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Sunday 17 October 2010

[News] 16.10.2010 Ayu Trance 4 To Be Released Soon?

Last few days, AHS members seemed to be spamming (in a good way) towards Max Matsuura's twitter account about Ayu Trance 4.

After seeing the spamming, Max then tweeted to Ayu asking about it.

Here is what happened!

Several members, including myself, kept on tweeting Ayu and Max (Ayu's manager) to release a new remix album. Suddenly, Max tweeted Ayu. He told her there was a lot of request for an Ayu Trance album, and he asked Ayu what to do. Ayu replied to hem: 'let's make it, let's make it!'.
So, several tweets later, Max posted that he has decided to use 'make Ayu Trance 4'. He also said he is considering other mix-albums aswell..

So thanks to us AHS-ers, we sparked the creation of a new remix album!!

Max: Ayu Tranceのリクエスト多いけどどうする? There are a lot of requests for Ayu Trance, but how will we proceed?
Ayu: 創ろう♪創ろう♪ Let's start it! Let's start it!
Max: では、久々に得意ジャンル制作させて頂きます! Well, it's been a long time since we worked on this genre!
Ayu: いぇ~(^O^)/(^O^)/(^O^)/♪ Yea!
Max: 大丈夫。いつも通りアカペラで俺たちが作るから It's okay, we'l jsut use the a capella's (that are already made)
Ayu: 楽しみ~っっっ(^O^) It will be fun! / That's cool!

Fan: Are you release a new Ayu trance 4? Is it true? (*O*)
Max: 今さっき、決まった! We have JUST decided on that!

Credit: Rody! @ AHS
Shared by Ayu's Story
Take out with full credits!

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